25 Splashy Rain Puns to Brighten Your Cloudiest Days

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Get ready to laugh like a thunderstorm with our collection of 25 hilarious rain puns that are sure to brighten even the cloudiest of days. From drizzly jokes to stormy one-liners, we’ve got everything to keep your spirits as high as a rainbow.

Pouring on the Puns

  1. Raining cats and dogs? I hope I don’t step in a poodle!
  2. Have you ever tried rain dancing? It’s a well-drip-timed move!
  3. I tried catching fog yesterday. Mist.
  4. Why do rain clouds love elevator jokes? They lift the spirits.
  5. I don’t trust stairs because they’re always up to something.

Under my Umbrella, Ella, Eh?

  1. Why did the umbrella break up with the rain? It couldn’t handle the pressure.
  2. What goes up when the rain comes down? An umbrella.
  3. I once dated an umbrella. It didn’t work out; she had too many skeletons in the closet.
  4. Never trust an umbrella. They tend to flip under pressure.
  5. Buying a broken umbrella is pointless.

It’s Raining Men!

  1. Why did everyone like the new guy at the weather station? He was a real site for sore eyes after the long drought.
  2. What did one raindrop say to the other? Two’s company, three’s a cloud.
  3. How does a raindrop marry? It coalesces.
  4. Did you hear about the cloud who learned to dance? He was lightning on his feet.
  5. What’s a raindrop’s favorite type of music? Liquid tunes!

Lightning Strikes of Laughter

  1. Why was the lightning bolt so good at music? It knew how to conduct itself.
  2. What does lightning use to style its hair? An electric comb.
  3. What did the one bolt of lightning say to the other? “You’re shocking.”
  4. Why did the lightning break up with the thunder? There was too much noise in their relationship.
  5. I’m a big fan of lightning. It’s striking.

Shower Thoughts: Rain Edition

  1. I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down, much like the rain in April.
  2. If you’re not a fan of my rain puns, precipitate yourself out of the room.
  3. Why don’t we ever tell secrets when it rains? Because it’s liable to leak.
  4. If April showers bring May flowers, what do Mayflowers bring? Pilgrims.
  5. Where do storm clouds go to school? To the cirro-cumulus academy.