48 Side-Splitting Monkey Puns to Make You Go Bananas

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Get ready to swing through the jungle of humor with our collection of 48 hilarious monkey puns. From cheeky chuckles to banana-filled belly laughs, we’ve got all the fun you need to brighten your day!

Going Bananas with Monkey Puns

  1. Why did the monkey like the banana? Because it had a-peel!
  2. What do you call a monkey in a minefield? A ba-boom-chaka-laka.
  3. How do monkeys get down the stairs? They slide-rilla.
  4. What do you call an angry monkey? Furious George.
  5. Why did the monkey stop playing cards? Because it was cheetah-ing.
  6. How do you catch a monkey? Climb a tree and act nuts.
  7. Why did the monkey like the banana? Because it found it a-mazing.
  8. Tomato tomahto, potato, chimp-pota-to.

In the Jungle Gym

  1. What do you call a monkey with a wand? Hairy Potter.
  2. Why did the banana go out with the monkey? Because it couldn’t find a date!
  3. What do you call a monkey in a blizzard? A brrr-gorilla.
  4. How do monkeys get their exercise? By banana splits and jungle gyms.
  5. Why don’t monkeys use email? They prefer to use the jungle drum.
  6. What do stylish monkeys wear? Chimp-le leather.
  7. What’s a monkey’s favorite game? Ape-scotch.
  8. What do you call a lazy baby kangaroo? A pouch potato – Not a monkey business.

Monkey Business in the Office

  1. Why did the monkey get a promotion? Because he was always ape-ahead in his work.
  2. What do accountant monkeys use? Banana calculators.
  3. How do monkeys make toast? They put it under the gorilla.
  4. Where do monkeys file their recipes? In the chimpanz-easy bake oven.
  5. What did the banana do when it saw the monkey? It split.
  6. How do monkeys stay safe when they use the computer? They install m-antivirus.
  7. Why don’t monkeys play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs!
  8. What do you call a monkey who wins every game? A champanzee.

Swinging Through Monkey Music

  1. What’s a monkey favorite band? The Monkees.
  2. What kind of music do monkeys like? Anything with a good beat-banana.
  3. How do you call a musical monkey? A harp-y gorilla.
  4. Why was the monkey at the orchestra? He was the best chimp-anist.
  5. Why did the monkey join the band? Because it had great chimp-g.
  6. What makes music bananas? A bananica!
  7. What did the monkey say to the drum? “Beat it, just beat it!”
  8. What do monkeys sing at Christmas? Jungle bells, Jungle bells!

Banana-Split Laughs

  1. What did one banana say to the monkey? Don’t peel me now!
  2. Why didn’t the banana snore? It didn’t want to wake up the rest of the bunch.
  3. How do you make a banana shake? You tell it a scary monkey story.
  4. What do you call a banana that likes to dance? A banana shake.
  5. Why did the banana go to the monkey doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well.
  6. What do you get if you cross a banana with a monkey? A peel of a time.
  7. Why do bananas have to put sunscreen on before hanging out with monkeys? So they don’t peel.
  8. What’s a monkey’s favorite dessert? Banana split with extra nuts.

Monkey Laughs & Giggles

  1. Why do monkeys love bananas? Because they’re very a-peeling!
  2. What do you call a monkey who loves potato chips? A chip chimp.
  3. How do you apologize to a monkey? Banana “split” under the door.
  4. What’s a monkey’s favorite play? Gorilla, my dreams!
  5. Why are monkeys good at climbing trees? They have the perfect instincts!
  6. Where do monkeys go to drink? The monkey bars!
  7. What’s a monkey’s least favorite month? Ape-ril showers.
  8. What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear? Anything you want, it can’t hear you!