Get ready to pop with laughter and brighten your day with our collection of 100 hilarious corn puns. From the cob to the kernel, these jokes are guaranteed to be a-maize-ing!
Kerneling Through Corn Puns
- Cobgratulations on your achievement.
- A-maize-ing grace, how sweet the sound.
- Let’s stalk about it later.
- You’ve earned my respect.
- Kernel Sanders’ secret recipe.
- Don’t let the husky voice cornfuse you.
- I’m all ears, tell me more.
- That’s corny, even by your standards.
- Feeling shucked by the surprise party.
- Popping by to say hi.
Cobmedy Central
- Butter be ready, it’s joke time.
- This joke is cornbread-worthy.
- You just got cornered in debate.
- Let’s stalk the night away.
- Kernel of truth in every joke.
- Husking for trouble with those puns.
- Don’t be a mazed runner, join the fun.
- Cobblers wear the best shoes.
- Silky smooth moves at the dance.
- Earth rotates because of its corner in space.
Silly Silkwords
- Cornivores eat only the finest jokes.
- Pop goes the corn on a fun movie night.
- Feeling shucked by all these puns yet?
- Cobble together a plan for the weekend.
- Take an early morning walk.
- This section is absolutely a-maize-ing.
- Putting the stalk in stock market.
- Kernel of wisdom: enjoy life’s simplicities.
- That’s one for the husktory books.
- Butter late than never to the pun party.
Early Laugh Riots
- Cobby our style, why don’t cha?
- That idea pops.
- Silk-y smooth execution.
- Grasping at straws, or should I say husks.
- Cob-webbed ideas finally clearing up.
- I corn hardly believe it!
- Stalk-er behavior: following corn fields.
- In a maize of confusion.
- Earmark this day for celebration.
- That’s the kernel of the issue.
Husk in for a Laugh
- Just shuck it off and move on.
- Why are all corn songs so popular?
- Butter up to the boss with corn puns.
- A cobination of factors.
- Shuck-ingly good at making jokes.
- This pun may a-maize you.
- Husky-voiced with a corny joke.
- Shucks, I thought you’d like that one.
- Pop quiz: How many corn puns can you handle?
- Kernel, my friend, lend me your ears.
Cornucopia of Humor
- Not all jokes are corn-ceived equal.
- Husking around at the party.
- Cob out the competition.
- That was a-maize-ingly bad.
- Cornfetti at the parade.
- Shuck to meet you.
- Embuttered by praise.
- Silk-ing a new career in comedy.
- Stalk about multipurpose: food and joke material!
- The cobblestone streets of Cornwall.
The Kernel‘s Secret Jokes
- Butter my biscuit; it’s joke time.
- Huskeeping tips: Always store your corn jokes.
- Cob-ras are my least favorite snakes.
- Shuck off your worries with a laugh.
- This might just pop into your favorite puns list.
- Stalking up on good vibes.
- That vibe is corntagious!
- Corn-templating the mysteries of the universe.
- Kernel to kernel, heart to heart.
- Got corn-fidence?
Husky Laughter
- Butter beware, I’m armed with puns.
- A-maize your friends with corn trivia.
- Cobsmic jokes for the soul.
- Shucked and awe-d by the talent.
- Popular demand brings more corn puns.
- This stalk will be the highlight of your day.
- Ears to hoping for a better tomorrow.
- Husking for a bit of silence.
- Cornered into making a speech.
- Making a kernel decision.
Corn-piling Puns
- Butter get these jokes while they’re fresh.
- Try not to pop with laughter.
- Cob your enthusiasm, it’s just beginning.
- Getting shuck into these puns.
- A-maize-ing adventures await.
- Can you husk what I’m thinking?
- It’s earie how funny these are.
- Corngratulations, you’ve reached the end of this batch.
- Feeling silk-ily smooth with the wit.
- Let’s take a stalk down memory lane.
Bricobbling Together More Puns
- This cobversation is getting interesting.
- Kernel of hope in dark times.
- Pop goes my heart for these puns.
- Shuck-ing up the limelight.
- Corny, but that’s how we like it.
- Laugh so hard you husk for air.
- Ear we go again with the puns.
- Can corn-vince me to stop?
- This humor is a-maize-ingly fresh.
- Ready to stalk about anything now.