50 A-peeling Banana Puns to Split Your Sides

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Get ready to split your sides with laughter because we’ve peeled together 50 of the most a-peeling banana puns that will make you go bananas! From the groan-inducingly punny to the downright funny, these jokes are sure to appeal to everyone.

Ba-nanas for Puns!

  1. I’m feeling apeeling today, how about you?
  2. Banana splits are not a laughing matter… unless you slip on one!
  3. Why did the banana go to the doctor? It wasn’t peeling well.
  4. I found a banana joke very a-peeling.
  5. This might sound bananas, but I find fruit puns a-peel-ing.
  6. Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?
  7. I’m going bananas trying to come up with a good pun.
  8. Let’s split up and look for more banana puns.
  9. That banana has a great bunch of jokes.
  10. I told my friend a banana pun. He found it a-peel-ing.

The Peel Deal

  1. You’re driving me bananas with these puns!
  2. I told a banana joke, but it slipped away from me.
  3. Peel free to share your banana puns.
  4. I peeled back the curtain to reveal… more banana jokes.
  5. Do not split on your responsibilities, unless it’s a banana split.
  6. I can’t believe I slipped on a banana peel in 2023!
  7. That banana pun was a-peel-liciously funny.
  8. If you don’t like my banana puns, peel out of here.
  9. Bananas are not just funny, they are a-peel-lingly nutritious too!
  10. When life gives you bananas, make banana bread… and then puns!

Bunch of Laughs

  1. There’s always money in the banana stand, especially if you’re punny.
  2. Banana thieves were caught today, they said the crime was a-peeling.
  3. I’m not bananas, I’m just nuts about banana puns!
  4. Why did the banana go out with the prune? Because it couldn’t find a date!
  5. Let’s not split hairs, banana puns are the best.
  6. Listening to banana puns makes me feel like I’m in a bunch of laughter.
  7. Bananas in pajamas are chasing down the best puns.
  8. Ever heard about the banana diet? It’s very a-peeling to some.
  9. You butter believe banana bread is my favorite.
  10. Banana puns never get old, they just get peel-ier.

A Peel-ing Comedy

  1. Why was the banana so upbeat? Because it was a-peeling!
  2. My friend slipped on a banana peel; it was the highlight of my day.
  3. Peeling sad? Why not try reading some banana puns!
  4. Did you hear about the banana that performed at the comedy show? It slipped a few jokes in.
  5. Banana puns are my split-second choice for a quick laugh.
  6. Remember, consuming too many banana jokes may cause splitting sides.
  7. I tried writing a song about bananas, but it ended up being a bunch of B-sides.
  8. If bananas could talk, they would make the best puns because they have a great peel for humor.
  9. Bananas are great teachers; they always encourage students to peel their potential.
  10. I peeled back the layers of humor to find banana puns at the core.

Simply Bananas

  1. Bananas don’t make great comedians; they always split under pressure.
  2. Can you peel the love tonight, or is it just the bananas?
  3. My love for banana puns is more than a bunch; it’s a whole peel!
  4. Why was the banana so good at gymnastics? Because it did great splits!
  5. Banana puns are like a bunch of friends; they stick together.
  6. Banana bread in the oven is the yeast of my worries when I’m baking puns.
  7. To the person who invented banana puns, I’m your bunch leader!
  8. Eating a banana is good for the soul, especially when paired with laughter.
  9. Jokes about bananas are appealing to a bunch of people.
  10. There’s no split decision here, banana puns take the cake!