You’re Only Old Once: A Book for Obsolete Children

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1. You're Only Old Once!: A Book for Obsolete Children

We all know Dr. Seuss for his famous children books, but this book is quite different from the Cat in the Hat. You’re Only Old Once: A Book for Obsolete Children is a hilarious insight into lives of old people which makes it a perfect read for adults who are still very much children at heart. The comical book follows the adventures of an elderly man who goes through unusual and bizarre medical procedures and tests.

If you want to get a taste of this hilarious illustrated book, make sure to watch the video below.

When you listen to the book, who does it remind you of in your family? Maybe your elderly uncle who still likes to joke around, or one of your parents who is starting to behave like an old man or woman. They will be thrilled by this book that depicts aging in a hilarious and humorous way. If you’re not into serious gifts, this illustrated book is perfect for birthdays or any big life events.

Elderly couple posing for photo after their car flipped (wife still trapped inside)

Who says aging has to be boring? Many think that you have to be serious and boring once you get old, but that’s definitely not true. Having fun should never stop, regardless of your age. Just take a look at this elderly couple posing after they had a car crash. The wife is still trapped inside, but they’re both smiling and actually look kind of proud of themselves. These are the type of elderly people who would enjoy a Dr. Seuss book.


A great thing about getting old is that you don’t have to give a shit about what other people think. When we’re young, we desperately seek approval from our peers, but once you get to a certain age, that stops being important. Look at this cool old lady rocking a gangsta t-shirt, she doesn’t care. If this reminds you of your grandma, make sure that she reads You’re Only Old Once: A Book for Obsolete Children, she will love it!

Growing old has its ups and downs, as Dr. Seuss illustrates in this book, but we shouldn’t take it too seriously. Even if you got no teeth, laughing is still the best medicine!

Some old people are simply young at heart and want to get in on all the new trends. You probably have that uncle who’s constantly sending you memes, or a grandma who’s always posting on Facebook. While the hero of Dr. Seuss’ book is going on an adventure through bizarre medical exams and procedures, some elderly people are skipping their doctor’s appointments to make viral videos.

This cool elderly couple decided to get in on the In My Feelings Challenge and totally rocked it. This is what you should do when you get old, not sit in a retirement home and watch TV until you die.